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Unlimited $30 Giveaway!
Tanggram ranked in the Top 30 for the Startup of the Year 2024

Great news! To share the happiness of Tanggram has been shortlisted for the Governor of Victoria Startup Awards 2024, and ranked in the Top 30 for the Startup of the Year category using quantitative data from LaunchVic’s startup database, we have prepared unlimited $30 in T-Points for all Tanggramers who invest or boost $1,000 or more to your account.

How to get your reward easily

You do not need to do anything, just invest before 31/03/2024. The $30 T-Points will be automatically allocated to your account.

New friends

Download the Tanggram app from App Store & Google Play and start your investment.

Existing Tanggramers

Just boost $1,000 or more to any investment.

Terms & conditions

1. The offer is valid for all Tanggram users.

2. The T-Points will be distributed within 5 business days after your investment is activated.

3. All eligible users will be rewarded once only.

4. Tanggram T&Cs apply.

5. The offer lasts until 31st March 2024.

Investors must read and consider the PDS and TMD prior to investing available on our website.